Annual Order of Malta Lourdes Mass returns to Queensland

On Saturday the 3rd of August, over 100 people gathered at St Mary’s Church, South Brisbane for the North Eastern Region Lourdes Healing Mass.
Order Chaplain, Fr Gerard McMorrow spoke to those in attendance about the concept of miracles by referencing St John’s Gospel and its deliberate use of the word “signs” instead of “miracles”. Fr Gerard acknowledged everyone’s desire for miracles during difficult times in our lives but reminded us that God will provide us with what we most need. This may be the gift of acceptance, strength, perseverance, understanding or hope. The one thing God continues to promise is that he is with us always, in all things.
We thank Fr Gerard for his wise and thought-provoking words and for the prayers he offered for all carers present at the Mass. Everyone was invited to come forward to receive the Anointing of the Sick as we are all in need of healing be it physically, mentally or spiritually in some way.
Sincere thanks are extended to Alicja Druzynski DMG for enhancing our liturgy with her beautiful musical talent, and for all members for their presence as they continue to carry out our care for Our Lords, the poor and the sick.
After Mass everyone adjourned to Emmanuel City Mission next door for a convivial morning tea provided by our members and volunteers. Many of our guests were keen to learn more about our Order and its works.
ECM continues to offer great support to our Order, as both communities endeavour to care for those who live on the margins of society.