Parramatta Community Care Van

The Order of Malta Community Care Van in Parramatta is an arm of the Order of Malta’s homeless outreach. Volunteers distribute custom designed waterproof Coats for the Homeless (winter), sun protection items (summer), water and hygiene packs. A first aid kit is also available if trained volunteers are on duty.
The Community Care Van is located at St Patricks Cathedral. Volunteers meet at the van and organise the various items for distribution into carts. We begin our works in Alfred Park (across the road from St Patricks Cathedral) and then walk down Church Street to Parramatta Train Station and then make our way back to St Patricks Cathedral. Besides the distribution of items, we also take time to have conversations with the homeless.
Interested in this volunteering opportunity?
Please register an Expression of Interest using our Volunteer Enquiry Form
Frequency of service:
– Every Monday, 5.30 – 7.30pm (rostered volunteers only, no ‘walk-ins’ please).
Volunteer requirements:
– Minimum 18 years of age
– Signed Safeguarding Code Of Conduct
Other information:
Comfortable clothing and walking shoes are recommended. Volunteers will be provided with tabards to wear and identify as Order of Malta volunteers.