Annual Asia Pacific Disabled Youth Camp
The Order of Malta’s tradition and thirty-year-old experience in running summer camps for the disabled has now crossed the border into Asia. The first camp was held in Singapore in 2017 and is now an annual event.
Participating countries include Australia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand and will each take turns in hosting the camp. The host country funds the accommodation, transport and food for the disabled delegates, their carers and volunteers.
Each Association pays for the air tickets, insurance and the registration fees of their delegates.
The 2020 Asia Pacific Camp will be held in Australia in October.
- If you know any young disabled people (aged 18 – 30) who would be interested in participating, please email
- Are you aged between 18 – 30 and would like to be a volunteer? Complete our Volunteer Information Form
- This Camp would not be possible without the support of donors. Please consider a donation to this project