Palliative Care Social Support Individual program – South East Melbourne

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As part of our volunteering program at Calvary Health Care in Caulfield South, we are seeking volunteers for the Social Support Individual program.
The program aims to maintain skills, provide meaningful activities including outings that enhance wellness and re-ablement while linking clients and carers to health services as required. The Social Support Worker will assist participants of the program to engage in social activities whilst endeavouring to maintain skill retention and development. Through the program, volunteers will support participants to meet their need for social and community connection.
Volunteers will receive direct support from the CHSP Coordinator
Services we provide include:
– Home visiting services.
– Accompanied activities, such as assisting the person through accompanied shopping, paying bills, attendance at appointments, and other related activities.
– Telephone and web-based monitoring services (including other technologies that help connect older people to their community e.g. to assist people with sensory impairments or those living in geographically isolated areas).
– Social support is usually provided one to one, but can be provided to more than one person, such as an aged couple.
Our services do not include:
– Unaccompanied activities where you are completing tasks, such as grocery shopping, for the person without them present.
– Personal care, for example assistance to toilet or shower.
– Care workers may assist participants to schedule medical appointments and assist with transport, but are not required to attend the medical consultation.
– Full preparation of meals for a person, without their involvement.
Interested in this volunteering opportunity?
Please register an Expression of Interest using our Volunteer Enquiry Form
Frequency of service:
– Varied. Visit duration is typically for 2 hours, although can be shorter or slightly longer if necessary.
Volunteer requirements:
– Full training will be provided
– Drivers licence (if providing driving services)
– Signed Safeguarding Code Of Conduct
Other information:
– Transport can be offered during a visit. You may use a Calvary Health Care Bethlehem vehicle, or your own comprehensively insured vehicle.
– Casual dress.