Young Order of Malta Qld member receives Community Leader Award
Volunteer of the Year Joe Grogan, who is a familiar face to Mass-goers at St Stephen’s Cathedral, received the award for his steadfast commitment to the Cathedral’s Young Adults Movement among other volunteer organisations.
All five winners were among the 15 finalists chosen from more than 60 nominations for the 2015 awards party, hosted by The Catholic Leader.
Managing editor Matt Emerick said the annual awards showcased the country’s “backstage helpers”.
“There are many Catholics in Australia who prefer to hide behind their generosity and good will, working quietly and humbly, which in itself is not wrong,” Mr Emerick said.
“But The Community Leader Awards is a way of recognising their hard work and hopefully, will inspire them to ‘press on’, as St Paul says, in the good race.
“I want to thank all the five winners and our special People’s Choice awardee for committing yourselves to the faith and to the service of the faithful.
“No doubt your actions will inspire more people in the Catholic Church in Australia to work humbly for God’s kingdom here on earth.”
Photo courtesy: The Catholic Leader/Alan Edgecomb.
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