World Day of the Poor – 19 November 2023

“Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor” (Tob 4:7)
Sunday 19 November 2023 marked the 7th Annual World Day of the Day Poor.
The World Day of the Poor is a Roman Catholic observance, celebrated on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time since 2017. It was established by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et Misera, issued on 20 November 2016 to celebrate the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.
As a Catholic lay Order, we see it as an important day in our calendar where we can make a effort to ‘mark it’ and complete some special works. We ask each region to organise an opportunity for members to encounter our lords the poor and commemorate this occasion.
In South Brisbane, members, volunteers and candidates had the privilege of being of service to Guests of Emmanuel City Mission.
The team arrived early and provided a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, fruit, homemade fruit and chocolate slices and barista coffees. All participants were encouraged by the knowledge that Order of Malta initiatives were underway, around the world, in support of the Pope’s call to be attentive especially today to those in society who have the least.
Of special note is Magistral Chaplain Fr Gerard who found his second vocation as Cook Extraordinaire developing an efficient system cooking 16 dozen eggs and 20 kilos of shortcut bacon!
As an added initiative, Order of Malta Members have been generous in supplying new underwear and toiletries much needed by guests of ECM.
The Order of Malta thanks the Emmanuel Community for allowing our teams to be of service in such a needed and fulfilling ministry.

The homeless in West Melbourne and St Kilda were visited by our Order of Malta Community Care Van volunteers who delivered sweet treats and beverages, in addition to our hygiene care packs.
The companionship and gifts were very well received.
Members and volunteers in the Northern Territory distributed 70 dignity bags between Alice Spring, Santa Teresa, and Darwin to mark this special day. The dignity bags were filled with sanitary items: shampoo, body wash, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste as well as small towels, and socks.