Supporting the Sisters of the Good Shepard with their 'Mothers and Babies' project
On Sunday 25th May, 2014 Members, aspirants and friends of The Order of Malta, visited the Sisters of the Good Shepherd at their Convent in Bangkok to study the project; Mothers and Babies.
For many years the Sisters have been looking after single women and their babies, giving them both moral and financial support. The young mothers stay with the Sisters until they can find independence which can take some years.
At the conclusion of the meeting the Members, aspirants and friends were taken to meet the mothers and their babies. Member of the Order, Dr. Virachai on behalf of all present, presented gifts and cash 30,000 baht ($A1,000.00) to the sisters.
Members in Thailand are investigating opportunities to further help the Sisters of the Good Shepherd with this project.
Learn more about other projects of the Order of Malta.
View our gallery of pictures from the visit: