Serving the hungry with the Missionaries of Charity in Darwin

On 25 October 2020, two members of the Order of Malta joined the Missionaries of Charity in Darwin for their weekly feeding of the disadvantaged and homeless.
Members met the sisters at their Convent in Fannie Bay and prepared the bread and packed the food into Sisters’ little bus about 5pm. They then proceeded to visit two locations in parkland where meals are served on a weekly basis. The first destination was a very pleasant area that overlooked the water of Darwin harbour. The second was farther away with large trees and situated adjacent to a very large public housing complex.
At each location approximately 50 substantial meals of beef ragu pasta followed by fruit salad and custard. Most of those who attended were indigenous adults. This activity restarted after a shutdown related to COVID 19.
Receiving no government assistance, the Missionaries of Charity survive on the Providence of God. We are reminded that our attitude must be that of recognizing Jesus in every person. Accordingly we thank the Missionaries of Charity for their generosity and for their practical love for the “poorest of the poor”.