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Order of Malta Australia


#PrayforLebanon – Members and volunteers pray the Rosary for our bretheren in Beruit


Following the devastating explosion in Lebanon, Members of the Order of Malta’s Australian Executive Council joined Candidates, volunteers and family including Lebanese-Australian volunteers to pray the Rosary for our brethren in Beruit.

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM), Malteser International’s partner on the ground were swift into action treating casualties and mobilising volunteer teams to provide practical support for the vulnerable, especially elderly people and persons with disabilities.

The Order of Malta Australia has already committed $10,000 to support the emergency relief effort. If you wish to make a further donation you can do so online through our Emergency Relief Fund donation page.

Gifts $2 and more are tax deductible.

“We are overwhelmed with the material and spiritual support being directed towards our brothers and sisters in Lebanon. Sharing the “Rosary for Lebanon” via video call with diverse Members and volunteers of The Order of Malta truly strengthened our spirits. It reinforced our sense of unity as brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of culture or background. We know through the intercession of Our Lady of Lebanon and St Charbel, along with the support of the Australian and International communities, the Order of Malta and the resilience of the Lebanese people, Lebanon will rise again from the ashes and grow like a Cedar of God.”

Nelly and Andrew Sckaf

The Australian Association

The Australian Association, formed in 1974, currently has in excess of 300 members and aspirant members across every State and Territory of Australia. We also have ongoing and strong links with the Order’s National Associations throughout the Asia Pacific Region including in Singapore and the Philippines and with members of the Order in New Zealand, Hong Kong SAR, Thailand and Korea. The Order of Malta is committed to serving Our Lords the Poor and Sick worldwide and has done so for over 900 years. This website shares with you the history, mission and current activities of the Order of Malta in Australia, and provides links to the work of the Order world-wide.