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Order of Malta Australia


  • 04/05/2015

    Earthquake in Nepal: Urgent need for food and emergency shelters

    Malteser International will distribute food to almost 10,000 people Almost a week after the devastating earthquake in Nepal, countless numbers of people, especially in outlying regions, are still having to endure without supplies or a roof over their head. Malteser International is concentrating its aid where it is most needed: in the rural areas outside […]

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  • 01/05/2015

    Earthquake in Nepal: Reaching the outlying areas

    Malteser International to set up aid for hospitals and medical centers   The procurement and distribution of tarpaulins and hygiene supplies, as well as providing for the medical needs of those who have survived the catastrophic earthquake in Nepal is proceeding. The advance team from Malteser International have begun to initiate aid measures, above all […]

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  • 29/04/2015

    Earthquake in Nepal: Video update – Day 5

     Malteser International sends further medical experts to the crisis region Malteser International is increasing their complement of medical personnel in earthquake-hit Nepal. On Tuesday, the emergency relief experts Dr. Marie Theres Benner and Arno Coerver reached the Nepalese capital. A further team of experienced relief workers consisting of a doctor, a first aid assistant and […]

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  • 29/04/2015

    Earthquake in Nepal: 100,000 Euro for the first relief measures

    Malteser International dispatches medical aid Malteser International has released 100,000 Euros for the first emergency aid measures in Nepal. Over half a ton of medications and medical supplies are already on their way to the disaster zone. When there, they will be able to help provide first medical assistance to those affected. “Painkillers in particular, […]

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  • 27/04/2015

    Project Update: Farming project at the Orphanage in Hera

    In May 2014 we reported on the opening of a new orphanage in Hera , funded by the Order of Malta, which is home to 22 boys from the ages of 8 to 26 years. Part of the ongoing plan for the orphanage was to  incorporate a farming project that not only providing the Orphanage with […]

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  • 26/04/2015

    Earthquake in Nepal: Malteser International send an assessment team

    Initial emergency relief measures being prepared  The first aid workers from Malteser International are on their way to Nepal. An assessment team was dispatched to the region on Sunday morning. On the scene, they will be able to form an overview of the situation and begin setting in motion the first emergency relief measures. The […]

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  • 01/04/2015

    Iraq crisis: A new medical center for northern Iraq

    Malteser International: Care for the displaced gradually improves In the north of Iraq, care for those who have been displaced by the advance of the terror organization “Islamic State” (IS) is slowly improving. “International aid is gradually getting a better grip on things,” says Oliver Hochedez, Malteser International’s emergency relief coordinator, with regard to the […]

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  • 29/03/2015

    CYCLONE PAM: Helping the people of Vanuatu following the destruction. Donate now!

     On March 13, Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu, destroying home, crops and contaminating water supplies. The Category Five cyclone was one of the worst  to ever hit the region and has severely affected over half the nation’s population, with those living in rural areas particularly affected.Vanuatu has a population of 267,000 people spread over 65 inhabited […]

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The Australian Association

The Australian Association, formed in 1974, currently has in excess of 300 members and aspirant members across every State and Territory of Australia. We also have ongoing and strong links with the Order’s National Associations throughout the Asia Pacific Region including in Singapore and the Philippines and with members of the Order in New Zealand, Hong Kong SAR, Thailand and Korea. The Order of Malta is committed to serving Our Lords the Poor and Sick worldwide and has done so for over 900 years. This website shares with you the history, mission and current activities of the Order of Malta in Australia, and provides links to the work of the Order world-wide.