Message of thanks: Coats for the Homeless in SA
A message of thanks from Centacare Country SA Ceduna:
“We extend our appreciation for the recent donation of 12 coats.
Due to the extreme coldness in Ceduna recently, our Homeless team donated the jackets to vulnerable people and clients who often sleep rough. We distributed the jackets to 8 men and 4 women. The response was amazing and the feedback positive. The majority of comments were ‘they are very warm and keep us dry’.
Rebecca Tuohy, Program Manager – Ceduna Generic Homelessness
Funding for the Coats provided to Ceduna was largely raised by parishioners at the St Mary of the Angel Parish and the Catholic Women’s league in Port Lincoln who have been actively supporting the project for a number of years.
Thank you to everyone who has supported our Coats for the Homeless project.
We are currently fundraising for the 2018 Coats for the Homeless distribution where we hope to raise enough to manufacture and distribute 6,000 Coats across Australia.
$100 will buy three specially designed, warm shower-proof coats for people who find themselves without a home this winter.
Please consider a donation to support this project