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Order of Malta Australia


Memorial Mass in Brisbane to commemorate deceased Members


Members and Volunteers were hosted by the Emmanuel City Mission (ECM)on Tuesday 16th November for the NER Memorial Mass commemorating Regional Members who rest in peace with our Lord.

Magistral Chaplains Fr David Pascoe and Fr Gerard McMorrow led the liturgy highlighting from the readings the need to stand in defence of our beliefs and to reach out to Christ. Of special significance in commemorating past members were prayers for the recently deceased 79th Grand Master of our Order, Fra Matthew Festing and Emeritus National President of the Australian Association, Sir James Gobbo.

Following the Mass during a shared meal, Roby Curtis, Director of ECM outlined the role their centre provides in supporting the disadvantaged in the community as an example of the Catholic Church’s call to be of assistance. He highlighted the close links ECM has and can further develop with the Order of Malta. This led to a discussion about the Order’s plans for a similar centre in Southport.

The Australian Association

The Australian Association, formed in 1974, currently has in excess of 300 members and aspirant members across every State and Territory of Australia. We also have ongoing and strong links with the Order’s National Associations throughout the Asia Pacific Region including in Singapore and the Philippines and with members of the Order in New Zealand, Hong Kong SAR, Thailand and Korea. The Order of Malta is committed to serving Our Lords the Poor and Sick worldwide and has done so for over 900 years. This website shares with you the history, mission and current activities of the Order of Malta in Australia, and provides links to the work of the Order world-wide.