Members and volunteers assist at drop-in centre for homeless

Early on Tuesday 20th October, members and volunteers of the Order of Malta arrived at Ozanam House in Stuart Park, NT, to serve breakfast to 80 homeless men and women.
Ozanam House is a drop in centre run by St Vincent de Paul and provides a safe and secure place and a sense of community for those who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. Services at the centre include laundry and ablution block facilities, day beds, bus transport to a city medical centre, social areas and a kitchen.
In anticipation of the fourth World Day of the Poor, members and volunteers connected with St Vincent de Paul to provide assistance at the centre and hygiene packs for distribution.
The Fourth World Day of the Poor will be observed on 15 November 2020. The theme is “Stretch forth your hand to the poor”, taken from the book of Sirach.