Malteser International Activity Report 2019

In the name of the President, Board, and all of the staff at Malteser International, it is my pleasure to present you with our Malteser International Activity Report 2019.
Looking back on the year 2019, many events already seem like a distant memory. However, some of last year’s humanitarian developments continue to preoccupy us today: Syria’s long-running conflict, Venezuela’s economic crisis, extreme weather events in Asia as well as the forgotten crises in parts of Africa. In the face of these challenges, our teams and partners worked to reach nearly three million people with emergency relief, lifesaving healthcare, food, clean water, cash assistance, income opportunities, and other initiatives that transformed their lives positively.
Malteser International was able to implement programs to the tune of 80.3 million euros in 2019, 76.3 million euros of which went directly to project funding. These figures show that we continue to maintain a strong financial foundation for our programs, positioning our organization to meet the challenge of helping the rising number of people in need, while working with them in their everyday struggle to improve their lives for the long term.
This year, however, our progress has been threatened by a global pandemic that has affected the lives and livelihoods of the most vulnerable people. COVID-19 is having massive humanitarian implications and affecting our work in many ways. People who were already faced with implacable wars, conflicts, disasters, and discrimination are bearing the brunt of this crisis. These developments mean that our lifesaving work has never been more critical. Thankfully, we can count on your continued support as well as that of our donors, partners, and the communities we work with.
Thank you for your commitment to saving and changing lives across the globe. Together, we can reverse recent trends and help bring light and hope to the people and places that need it most.
Yours truly,
Ingo Radtke,
Secretary General
Download the Malteser International Activity Report 2019