Following the devastating bushfire that rocked the world at the beginning of the year, the Order of Malta has been supporting impacted communities with not only an initial emergency response but longer-term recovery.
Mogo, a small goldrush town in NSW with a population of about 300, has in recent years attracted tourists for its arts and crafts stories and heritage buildings. During the bushfires last summer not only homes but business premises were damaged or destroyed and Covid-19 has further hindered the rehabilitation efforts with many small businesses struggling following restrictions that have limited visitors.
The Order of Malta has partnered with local suppliers and created a Christmas Hamper to support businesses in bushfire impacted communities.
Mogo Christmas Hampers cost $69.95 including postage* and are available from our online store.

Mogo Village Honey: owners Peter and Jenny lost their home and their honey production business in Sydney Street Mogo during the Black Summer Bushfires on the NSW South Coast. They are rebuilding their honey production and beekeeping business.
Clyde River Berry Farm: Nestled on the banks of the South Coast’s ‘wild and scenic’ Clyde River, lies the Clyde River Berry Farm open for ‘Pick Your Own’ berries on December and January each year. The Berry Farm provides blueberries for pick-your-own throughout December and January and local farmers markets from November until Christmas. Other berries are grown solely for pick-your-own and are subject to seasonal variation.
Mogo Soap Emporium: Located in the main street of Mogo the bushfires came right to the back door of this small business. Stocking the biggest variety of soaps on the NSW South Coast.
The Mogo Lolly Shop: The bushfires damaged the building on Sydney Street Mogo resulting in a full loss of stock to the store. The store did not reopen until Mid March 2020. The owner also suffered fire damage to their personal home.
Mogo Candle Co: These candles have been stocked in Mogo for the past 12 years. They contain a unique blend of soy, coconut and bees wax sourced directly from Jenny and Peters Mogo Honey Bees. During the New Years Eve Bushfires the facility where the candles are made suffered major fire damage and as such all of the waxes and equipment were lost. They have rebuilt their candle making facility and are now being stocked at The Mogo Lolly Shop.
Guerrilla Roasters: Located once at Mossy Point the roasting business has relocated to Moruya into larger facilities. The Bushfire Relief Blend…. The image is familiar to so many. It was something positive that came from the horrendous bushfires that hit our region just months ago. We have teamed up with Canberra artist Mick Ashley of Canberra to offer the “Bushfire Relief Blend”. Proceeds from each sale going to South Coast Donations Logistics (SoCoDoLo) and also to helping a local youth artist.
Mogo Christmas Hampers cost $69.95*
Available from our online store!
Each Bushfire Recovery Hamper will be packaged in a hamper box and completed with Christmas ribbon amd will contain the following:
- 200ml Mogo Honey and Beekeepers Honey
- 105ml Hand Made Clyde River Blueberry Farm Strawberry Jam
- 105ml Hand Made Clyde River Blueberry Farm Blueberry Jam
- 100gm Unscented Hand Made Goats Milk Soap The Mogo Soap Emporium
- 215gm French Pear & Cinnamon Travel Candle Hand Made by Mogo Candle Co
- 100gm Hand Made Thankyou Candy from The Mogo Lolly Shop
- 200gm Bushfire Relief Blend Ground Coffee from Guerrilla Roasters
*Includes $12 postage per hamper to Australian addresses only. Hampers will be despatched from 1 November 2020 onwards.