Bishop Umbers leads reflection upon “Fraternity to Heal the World”
On 28 October 2023, Bishop Richard Umbers, Conventual Chaplain Ad Honorem Order of Malta, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, led around 20 members and friends in an online reflection upon “Fraternity to Heal the World”.
This link provides the audio and video recordings of Bishop Umbers’ reflection:
Reflection with Bishop Richard Umbers – 28 Oct 2023
Bishop Umbers foregrounded Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Fratelli tutti” (All brothers), guiding us to enrich confraternal bonds and service with our neighbours and amongst members in the Order.
In our wounded world, renewing our confraternity can help us to heal tensions or divisions in our Order, Church, and society. Beyond providing humanitarian support, how can we be “explicitly Christian” when serving vulnerable people?
Pope Francis implores us to “get amongst the people”, bear witness to our encounter with Christ, foster inclusive dialogue, and invite the vulnerable to experience our family of God.
Our Order’s mission calls us to serve people in need. Our confraternity reminds us to also care for each other.
Is there an older or ailing member who we might call? Or visit? Or offer to transport to a Mass or gathering? Is there a fellow member who we’ve had a disagreement with, who we might humbly reach out to, welcoming dialogue and reconciliation? Is there a member developing a project which needs collaborative expertise or volunteering?
“They will know we are Christian by witnessing our love for each other”.
All members, candidates, volunteers, family, and friends are welcome to share the monthly formation series, “An Hour of Reflection with a Chaplain” of the Order of Malta.
The next session, on 9 December, will be led by Fr Carlo Velardo, Magistral Chaplain to members in Thailand.