A “Spiritual Health Check” – Order of Malta Thailand Annual Retreat

On 29 November, 2020, our Magistral Chaplain Fr.Carlo held a day retreat for Order of Malta Thailand at the Salesian Provincial Center Bangkok that was well attended and well received by all.
The retreat began with Members, Aspirants, and Friends of the Order of Malta Thailand attending the Eucharistic Celebration with Fr. Carlo as the co-celebrant at the Mary Help of Christians Church. After Mass retreat participants joined together at the Salesian Provincial Center for morning prayers and the retreat.
Fr. Carlo conducted the morning session with the spiritual formation “Spiritual Health Check” – to evaluate the conditions of our spirituality in our hearts, blood, temperature, sensitivity, and vision. This session also suggested the way to keep our spirits healthy with the necessary spiritual nourishments, exercises and rest.
In the afternoon session, Fr. Carlo gave a briefing on the Congregation on the Doctrine of Faith Letter “Samaritanus Bonus – on the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life” – the readiness to accompany a suffering person in the terminal stages of life, and to offer assistance in a way that respects and promotes the intrinsic human dignity of persons who are ill, their vocation to holiness, and thus, the highest worth of their existence. Fr. Carlo also discussed the “The Teaching of the Magisterium” which drew much interactive and fruitful discussion.
The Retreat ended with a short Regular meeting and a closing prayer.